THE BAD: Before we left Crown Bay we hit the local supermarket to stock up on fresh fruit, beer, pasta and of course Kraft Dinner. Now remember how I mentioned that cockroaches lay their eggs in the glue between cardboard seams? Well, we carefully took all the contents within the cardboard boxes out and dumped them into ziplock bags. We threw the cardboard out on land and headed on our journey down wind to anchor in the next town over. We had an easy 20 minute sail downwind and anchored off a beautiful beach right beside St Thomas's airport. Evan took a look in the galley to check out what was for lunch. As he pulled out one the Kraft Dinner ziplock bags he noticed a few small black/brown bugs crawling around on the inside. OH YEAH, baby cockroaches. He tossed it my way and we packed up everything that was originally in a box and bagged it in black garbage bags. I can handle the heavy seas but I cannot deal with cockroaches. I believe we got lucky because they were trapped inside the ziplock bags. I'm thankful that someone told me about the eggs in the glue long before this.

Evan taking care of the business...

Frying up some onions for our Filet Mignon Steaks... yeah right, we mix that stuff with corned beef and chuck them into tacos.

THE GOOD: Meet our new friends! Mike, Mike, Mike, Maxi and John. These guys are true legends. Not only were they great company but they took us on cruises around the harbour on their 62 foot Catamaran. They fed us, drank with us and gave us missions to keep ourselves busy. Mike who owns Tiger Lady ( The Catamaran ) was looking to dig up some old moorings. We strapped on the snorkel gear and dove right in. After spending at least 2 hours in the water we decided that the gear on the bottom wasn't worth it and abandoned the mission. Mike provided the beer and took us on a tour around Charlotte Amelie Harbour. We pulled up beside giant cruise ships, had float planes land directly behind us and learned all about Blackbeard's Castle ( for real! ). Thank you to our friends at the Beachcomber Resort and Bar, it was a pleasure to meet you and we will be back to share your company once again.

Absolutely a beautiful boat built by Mike's Dad originally.

Mike also let us use his Zodiac to bomb back and forth between Lizzy Belle and the beach. What a guy!

Last nights sunset at Christmas Cove... We snorkelled for days here. The tropical fish danced around us as we explored coral reefs, swam with giant sting rays and spotted our first set of sea turtles. Spending time in the water seems to be as adventurous as each day's sail. We pulled into Cruz Bay today to shower, do laundry and clear out of customs tomorrow. Before we entered the harbour we were greeted by two Dolphins who hung out with Lizzy Belle for 10 minutes or so bouncing around her bow and occasionally showing us their bellies. One turned on it's side and looked directly up at us of LB's starboard side, we couldn't do anything but smile and gently say, "hello".
Keep in the loop my friends...
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